Welcome to my personal corner of the net. This site is dedicated to my parents, and especially to my mother, who got me interested in family history when I was still in high school. This has been a long term labor of love. What you will find on my website is basic birth, marriage, and death dates and locations. I wish I could share all my information freely via the Internet; unfortunately there are those who have taken advantage of my research in the past and uploaded my entire database to online databases without crediting where they got the information. This does three things—it negates the work I and others have done over the years; it deprives people of knowing where to go for possible further information on people in the database; and it forces them to pay for something I would have shared for the sake of sharing. Please let me know if you want to know what additional information I have on a particular person in my database or you find errors in my data. My email address is on the main page of both sections. This site is currently undergoing major renovation as I format the new pages and combine my two family history websites. Please bear with me through the construction.
The Descendants of "Revolutionary" John Rickerson. This is my current genealogical passion. I have been looking for my Rickerson ancestors for three decades. Over the years I had corresponded with other Rickerson researchers, but we had never been able to connect, even though all of our ancestors started out in New York. It was by pure serendipity that I discovered a manuscript on the family of John Rickerson, who first shows up in the list of those who answered the call to arms at Lexington in 1774. Mrs. Grace Eddes had corresponded with members of this family during her research into the Ricketson family. Although she was unable to tie the two families together, she nonetheless typed up her notes and provided them to the New England Historical and Geneaolgical Society library. This project continues the work done by Ms. Eddes a the turn of the 20th century.
Some Ancestors and Relatives of Stanley and Mary (Rickerson) Laidlaw. There is overlap with the descendants of Revolutionary John because my mother is descended from him. This part of the site contains all the people in my database.
I use The Master Genealogist as my genealogical database program. The two genealogical sections were designed with the help of John Cardinal's execellent Second Site program. I also use GenSmarts to help with my continuing research along with Gary Minder's wonderful Census and Cemetery spreadsheets for tracking/analyzing research data. Any documents on the site are in Adobe Acrobat format. To use them you need a copy of the free Acrobat Reader software available here.